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21 Jul - 4 Aug 2023, 11 am - 7 pm

Venue: G/F, Koo Ming Kown Exhibition Gallery,

            Lee Shau Kee Communication and Visual Arts Building,

            Hong Kong Baptist University

Artists: Eunice CHONG | Ivy HO | Heidi LING  

Curators: Ivy HO, Eunice CHONG

Visual design: Ivy HO 

Curatorial Statement


In the late-May, they went off for a trip to escape from reality right after settling all the hustles and bustles of the graduation project in the city of the Muslim. Over fourteen hours of flight, the city had once been influenced by the culture of the Catholics and the relics of the Ancient Greeks. And there, they started a fascinating and mysterious journey with the origin of the fig trees, the sand, and stones.


The Blossoms in the Flowerless is inspired by the Buddhist saying, in Sanskrit, "a-puṣ pa-phala", which literally means seeking flowers in a fig tree and referring to the impossible searchings. Yet, embracing the poetic obscurity, the seeming meaninglessness and hopelessness of the usually neglected flower might reveal upon careful observations.


Inspired by the short break between hustles, the 3 artists embrace extraordinary encounters in the land of mysteries to produce a series of works. Together on the alternate sand and stones, they will bring the audiences on a fascinating and mysterious trip with their unique visual languages, singing a miraculous sonata.


「無花果樹裡尋花」來源於梵語『a- puṣ pa-phala』的佛教諺語,即是在無花果樹上尋找花朵,意指不可能的探索。然而,擁抱著詩意般的朦朧,這種常被忽視的花的看似無尋覓的意義和希望,往往會在仔細觀察中顯露筒中深義。


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